A return to silly rock music themes.
Some people have a real problem with band names, the whole idea of a band's name is to draw attention to ones self.
So what one person may find ridiculous another may find hilarious.
I led others make the judgment and you can decide.
Me personally I don't think there are any bad band names only bad bands.
The Australian List
The World lists
THE BAYSWATER BOYS HOME. A Dark Past The original home rebuilt in the 1930s When I first moved to Boronia my wife took me to one of...
Palisades Del Rey This fascinated me when I first discovered it while jumping down an interweb rabbit hole. While I got a lot of this infor...
THE SECRET GARDEN. I first read about the Secret Garden in the excellent “The Dandenong Ranges” by Kornelia Freeman and Ulo Pukk. ...