Regular visitors will be well acquainted with my involvement with the Game of Kings Project, even if it is just by the little (now big) banners running down the sides of the blog.
This project based on the game of chess and up to the present date has involved over 20 artists.
Now that the second phase has started I thought I bring attention to some of the newbies (and one or two of the older guys) who joined for the Battle Stage of the project.
BMBAus or Ben Byrnne is a comic artist from my home town of Melbourne and I like me lives in the outer suburbs.
He is responsible for some classic SciFi tales with twisted sense of humour through his 3 Stark Reality comics and also his new Kranburn release.
Mathew Dunne is a talented designer, painter, model maker who has his fingers in many pies.
When he isn't doing exhibitions he is pumping out art at a furious rate.A good peek into his many styles starts here. Here you'll find his most popular creations Leroy and Skullboy.
Stephen Elliget an amazing animator whose art is simply beautiful this link will keep you busy as you explore his website
Damian Shanahan or Shanamation a marvelous digital artist and Creator of Pizza man
Sturstein or Peter Faifax creator of Valentines Dai Peter's style is unique with his subtle use of pen and water colours.
Nick Ford, Skateboard freak and an exciting addition to the team. Nick is an award winning designer who took on fair slab of work and made the long hard process of getting the GoK project happening a real joy.
Damien Mason hailing from an artistic family, popular T-Shirt designer Damien also makes soft toys and wall art.
Ausven or Steven Austin is the fastest artist in the world and his enthusiasm and general skill made him one of the finds in the expanded group.
An amazing talent.
Of course others have been busy like QuigonJim or Jim Gray who has been pumping out all kinds of books from pubs to motor bikes
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