Another year another Christmas.
The two links are some memories of Redbubble - the art site- when it was more interactive and before it was destroyed by Facebook and fucking morons who shouldn't be allowed near computers or sharp objects.
Once upon a time I was a member of a flourishing group called FLASH FICTION. it was full of happy people sharing their stories that were never allowed more than 150 words.
Occasionally the group set a challenge and more often than not attracted some great works and a lot of fun interaction.
I picked two of my all time favourites.
You'll need to scroll and click a bit but you'll find some great stories and comments.
As a foot note, this year the Museum of Words, a Spanish literary society held it's annual Flash Fiction (Micro Story) contest. After nearly nine months the winners were announced and most people who write Flash Fiction were quite disappointed. Mainly because they believe the discipline of the art is that a piece of Flash must be a self contained story with a beginning a middle and an end. All the winners of this years main prizes were vignettes at best. The works included in these links are the real deal.
Merry Christmas.
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