Vbirds was a virtual girl band created by Cartoon Network UK in 2002 and aired a 6 minute episode (as well as a dance show, called VBirds; Perfect) that was going to be picked up as a series, but was cancelled. The band's only single Virtuality was a hit in early 2003, but the band disappeared. There are no further plans to revive it as of now.
For anyone interested the members were:
Boom:She is perhaps the most witty and energetic member of the group, although she can also be very bad tempered at the worst of times. Boom is able to create pulsating balls of colour that can be thrown around, by blowing a kiss into her hand. This gives her a knack for decoration.
Wow:The oldest out of all the VBirds, as well as the most mature. Her powers give her a calming influence on those around her, including people and animals, allowing her to keep most arguments under control.
Bling:She is the most fashionable one of the girls, and can easily show it by using her powers to create new costumes for the group in an instant. Although this ability comes in handy for the group during performances, she prefers to use it in her free time to annoy the other girls.
D:Lin:She is the youngest in the group, and with green skin she stands out more than the other VBirds. D:Lin love nothing more than DJ'ing whenever the group is not performing, and she is also able to use records as throwing weapons whenever the occasion calls for it.
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